<?php //使用密码控制 if(empty($_GET['pwd']) || $_GET['pwd'] != '脚本运行密码,请自行修改'){ die('Fuck you! -www.***.com!'); } define ( 'EmpireCMSAdmin', '1' ); require ("../class/connect.php"); require ("../class/db_sql.php"); require ("../class/functions.php"); require ("../class/t_functions.php"); require ("../data/dbcache/class.php"); require ("../data/dbcache/MemberLevel.php"); $link = db_connect (); $empire = new mysqlquery (); $enews = $_POST ['enews']; if (empty ( $enews )) { $enews = $_GET ['enews']; } //参数 $news_table = "news"; //新闻表 $news_num = 1; //每次审核条数 /***使用时间控制审核的栏目,下面的代码因为栏目太多,每天分三个时段更新*实验证明这个效果是不好的,收录只有早上的那次* $hours = date ( 'H' );switch($hours){ //频道和列表 case '8': $where = "bclassid = 0 or classid between 33 and 86"; break; case '13': $where = "bclassid = 0 or classid between 87 and 139"; break; case '22': $where = "bclassid = 0 or classid between 140 and 192"; break; default: $where = "classid='10000'"; }*/ $where = '1'; //审核新闻模型全部栏目 $class_list = $empire->query ( "SELECT classid,islast from {$dbtbpre}enewsclass where $where" ); $class = array (); $pclass = array (); while ( $r = $empire->fetch ( $class_list ) ) { if ($r ['islast'] == '0') { array_push ( $pclass, $r ['classid'] ); // 非终极栏目不可以发不信息,所以不参与信息审核 } else { array_push ( $class, $r ['classid'] ); } } foreach ( $class as $key => $val ) { ecmscheck ( $val, $news_table, $news_num ); // 审核} // 刷新非终极栏目 foreach ( $pclass as $key => $value ) { echo '上级栏目'.$value.'已经更新<hr/>'; ReListHtml ( $value, 1 ); } ReIndex(); //刷新首页 /*** * @param $classid* @param $table* @param $num*/ function ecmscheck($classid, $table, $num) { global $empire, $class_r, $dbtbpre; $time = time (); // 每周一审核的设置为推荐 $isgood = '0'; $day = strftime ( "%A" ); if ($day == 'Monday') { $isgood = '1'; } $res = $empire->query ( "select id from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $table . "_check where classid =" . $classid . " ORDER BY `truetime` ASC LIMIT {$num}" ); while ( $r = $empire->fetch ( $res ) ) { $data [] = $r ['id']; } CheckNews_auto ( $classid, $data ); } /*** 审核信息* @param $classid* @param $id*/ function CheckNews_auto($classid, $id) { global $empire, $class_r, $dbtbpre, $emod_r, $adddatar; $classid = ( int ) $classid; $count = count ( $id ); $time = time(); //每周一审核的设置为推荐 $isgood = strftime('%A') == 'Monday'?1:0; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i ++) { $infoid = ( int ) $id [$i]; $infor = $empire->fetch1 ( "select * from {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r [$classid] [tbname] . "_check where id='$infoid' limit 1" ); //$picurl = empty($infor['titlepic'])?'/images/smallpic/'.rand(1,300).'.jpg':$infor['titlepic']; //为了网站能好看点设置一个1-300的随机图片 $res = $empire->query("update {$dbtbpre}ecms_".$class_r[$classid][tbname]."_check set truetime='$time',newstime='$time',lastdotime='$time',isgood='$isgood' where id='$infoid' limit 1"); $sql = $empire->query ( "update {$dbtbpre}ecms_" . $class_r [$classid] [tbname] . "_index set checked=1,truetime='$time',newstime='$time',lastdotime='$time' where id='$infoid'" ); // 未审核表转换 MoveCheckInfoData ( $class_r [$classid] [tbname], 0, $infor ['stb'], "id='$infoid'" ); // 更新栏目信息数 AddClassInfos ( $infor ['classid'], '', '+1' ); // 刷新信息 GetHtml ( $infor ['classid'], $infor ['id'], $infor, 0 ); echo '信息 '.$infor ['id'].' 内容页已经更新<hr/>'; // 刷新列表 ReListHtml ( $infor ['classid'], 1 ); echo '终极栏目 '.$infor ['classid'].' 已经更新<hr/>'; } } //刷新首页function ReIndex(){ $indextemp=GetIndextemp(); //取得模板 NewsBq($classid,$indextemp,1,0); echo '首页已经刷新'; }
上面的代码放到e/extend/sc/.index.php 文件夹里面。
然后在服务器上搞个计划任务 定时打开这个地址 hide后面加 ?pwd=密码 即可!